Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cadence - Sneak Peak

Yesterday I went to Everett to photograph Cadence's senior photos. Her dad is moving into a new house and she wanted to take her outdoor photos in his yard. We played around with some light and had an awesome shoot. Here is a sneak peak. She is doing an indoor session tomorrow, so stay tuned for Cadence's full post!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Brandon Senior Portraits

Brandon....Here's what I have to say about him....Probably one of the nicest guys I have met....Yes, I know sometimes people overuse that phrase, but Brandon really is. After I posted his senior session, I received an e-mail from him thanking me for taking photos of him and "bringing out the best in him." Yes, maybe he threw in there that he is a "good model" (which he is) ha ha...But, I thought that was very nice of him to do.

Besides that, he is super smart (I think he said a 4.0 GPA) AND a great basketball player. (Complete with his own court in his backyard). Yep, I'd say this guy is pretty cool!

Hill Family

First, I have to say....When my mom first saw the images from this family, her immediate response was, "Wow, is EVERYONE in Washington beautiful??" :) I had to agree and not only does this family have good looks, but they also have great personalities...

I was at their home shooting Brandon's senior portraits. While I was there, we did family portraits too. It really was a lot of fun. They have a great home/yard for photographers to play in. Here are a few images from their session.